“우리는 하나님 나라 즉 그 분의 왕국으로 부르심을 받았습니다.
그 나라는 주님의 나라 혹은 주님의 왕국입니다.
영어로 The Kingdom of God 또는 The Lord’s king dom (왕 + 영지(다스리는 영토))입니다.
그래서 본 사이트의 domain을 lordskingdom.net 로 하였습니다.
우리는 그 나라의 백성이며 제사장이며 증인과 대사로 부름 받았습니다.”
본 사이트를 통하여 하나님 나라의 백성으로 살고, 성장해가는 일에 유익을 누릴 수 있기를 예수이름으로 축복합니다.
To Walk by faith-relationship
1. Adam walked by faith; The man should live by faith and gain something good for life. However, man has gotten bad things in life because he lives by sight. 2. Abel walked by faith; God gave animal sacrifices to man as a way to approach God, Man only took the blood sacrifices by faith, the correct approach according to the word of God. It could cover the sins. 3. Moses walked by faith; God gave the Torah, law that reveals God himself to lead us to God’s love. 1) I am the only One. 2) I am omnipresent. 3) I am in an honorable name. 4) I am the source of all. 5) We, men walk under the earthly authority that was transferred from heavenly authority (God) to an earthly authority (Parents). The 1st authority that everyone has to submit belongs to parents who should tell who we are. 6) I am the God of all life. 7) I am the God who has a relationship with Man. 8) I am the God of all possession. 9) I am the God of truth. 10) I am the God of your inward desire. 4. The Walk with Jesus Christ, God accepted Jesus’s sacrifice for all men everywhere. Man is now to believe what God said is the way to Himself : through Jesus. (John14:6) Jesus became a visible image of God. 5. The Walk with the Holy Spirit, Jesus entrusted us to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit reveals Jesus Christ in us. We are a temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in us. We are to be a visible image of Jesus. The world should see Jesus in our deeds & words. 6. The Walk with the King of Kings, Jesus will rule on His earthly throne in earthly Jerusalem. The saved will rule the earth with Him. 7. The Walk with God. We will live in a new heaven & a new earth. We know very little about it. But ‘the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. (Rev21:3) In whom you also are built together for a habitation of God through the Spirit. (Eph2:22)**사이트 발제자 일동**