Can you trust and believe in God who is failing, giving up, and finding a different path each time?

Oh~~ Is it true that God made a plan for Adam to build the Kingdom of God on earth, but he had to change His plan because of the snake`s wicked scheme?Is it true that God made the Garden of Eden and had a good time there with Man, but…

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Point of view of the world, world view

I think that it is really important to see. However, I think that the viewpoint that comes from accumulating what I have seen is more important. To see only what you want to see, listening what you want to hear is because of the point of view, and you judge…

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Rejoice of God

The above photographs are the jewels hanging on the bosom of the priesthood of the Old Testament (shows 12 tribes of Israel) and standing before God. It also shows the foundations of the new Jerusalem city (church, bride), the God of Revelation. In God’s eyes, we(Isral and all believers) are these gems(treasures)….

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Kingdom of God in the Bible

Definition of the kingdom of God ◾ The kingdom of heaven (kingdom of God), which is usually known as the site(place) to go when it is time after death(time), can be seen as referring to the following two things (king, people) in the Bible. As a practical example, the word…

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Your Kingdom come!

The prayer (Lord’s Prayer) that the Lord himself taught us should be more important than anything else. This prayer request us calls on our Father in heaven, saying that his name is hallowed. Soon the Kingdom follows; Your kingdom come! ‘ It is very clear that it is not to…

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God’s Cry; My nation!

God’s Cry; My nation!(My people+ My land+ My king!) The voice of God as seen throughout the Old Testament is ‘my people, my land, my king’. *1 He called a man to make a nation and to be a people of God, an inheritance of God. *2 It is God’s…

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