The Bible is a love story between God and His peoples.
It is the story book of the feast which marries by the covenant of love. Two times love from a covenant to marriage. The first covenant is called the old covenant, the Old Testament, and the second covenant is the new covenant, the New Testament. A covenant is a promise between the both sides, and if one side fails to do so, the covenant is lost and automatically broken. It is a divorce. God also demands men exclusive love, so if men loves another partner such as gods, He says that men are adultery, and He may give men a certificate of divorce.
The first covenant was that God did not look upon them because the Israelites did not stay in the covenant (Hebrews 8: 9). The Bible says that this was the first covenant that had a defect and required the second (Hebrews 8:7)
The books written about the King who is the representative of men kept the covenant and the King who did not keep are the Kings and Chronicles. The bibles that warn men when they are not doing well are Prophecies, and books that record the covenant are Levites. The psalms are the book of love between God and His peoples. There are more kings who fail in the covenant, and the more amount of Prophecies versus Psalms is a cross section that shows the failure of the covenant. Deuteronomy, which lectures on the covenant, introduces again the people stay in the covenant. In the end, the Old Testament was shown to have a history of flaws in the covenant and was given to give us lessons. It is a plan to unite as a whole marriage by giving a new covenant. In other words, the entire New Testament Bible is a book of love that tells the story of marriage between God and man.
The Old Testament is that God is the husband and the nation of Israel is the wife (Jer 31:32). The New Testament is the story of Jesus becoming the bridegroom and the church being the bride. (Matthew 22: 2) The marriage covenant (first), love and sharing(@here and now), the ending shows that it is a wedding and a feast (Second Coming). (Revelation 19: 9)