Pain and death

 I have been working on machinery design for a long time. I always design my machine in order to does not die, so I put many sensors on each important part, I make the sensor make a sound if it has signs of being broken.   When God created us, He put a lot of…

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Life be from life. (Union)

During my 33 years in the workplace, I saw three fingers were cut off from their bodies. Several people were mobilized to find the cut finger, and the fingers were washed in clean water, wrapped in clean blanket, rushed to the hospital. The sooner it survive, the sooner it will…

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Who is He?

Whoever dares to judge the result of the work of the Almighty who has worked hard, he is surely pleased to see in himself that was prooved that there was no lack one point.  And that they should be glad and to rejoice together with God,  that they should be blessed and keep well,…

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The generation of Jesus Christ

Our God Made a garden where God had walked and talked and fellowship with Adam. Prepared the Canaan where God suggested Abaraham be His peoples and nation. Established a Kingdom of God with David that shall be a Kingdom of priests(Ex19:6) Want to be a King in His land and His…

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The parables of the Kingdom of heaven

The Kingdom of Heaven is like this(mattew13); 1. The heart of man is like a field where the word of the kingdom of heaven is sowed as seeds. @Seed 2. The world is like a field on where the master sowed the children of the kingdom as seeds. @Sower 3….

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Sumarized the Kingdom of heaven

The seven parables of the Kingdom of heaven given in Matthew 13 are summarized as follows:The Kingdom of Heaven;1. Where is? Be in the human mind and in the world. 2. How is done? To grow like mustard seed and expand like leaven. 3. Who is involved? Jesus who is…

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What makes money?

Capitalism, which increases productivity through the division of labor and accelerates the movement of wealth through exchange of Adam Smith’s wealth of nations theory, has begun to expand rapidly.1. Commercial capitalism, in which money became the center of wealth production, developed. You have to have money to earn money. 2….

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Can you trust and believe in God who is failing, giving up, and finding a different path each time?

Oh~~ Is it true that God made a plan for Adam to build the Kingdom of God on earth, but he had to change His plan because of the snake`s wicked scheme?Is it true that God made the Garden of Eden and had a good time there with Man, but…

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Point of view of the world, world view

I think that it is really important to see. However, I think that the viewpoint that comes from accumulating what I have seen is more important. To see only what you want to see, listening what you want to hear is because of the point of view, and you judge…

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Rejoice of God

The above photographs are the jewels hanging on the bosom of the priesthood of the Old Testament (shows 12 tribes of Israel) and standing before God. It also shows the foundations of the new Jerusalem city (church, bride), the God of Revelation. In God’s eyes, we(Isral and all believers) are these gems(treasures)….

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