Kingdom of God includes eating & drinking

 For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. (Rom14:17) ~ For meat destroy not the work of God. All things indeed are pure; but it is evil for that man who ate with offence. (Rom14:20)  The above words…

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Where is the Kingdom of Heaven?

 Salvation wrongly might be understood as an something escaping this earth to reach invisible spiritual realm. Spiritual life has nothing to do with invisible world. In fact spirituality has something with real life of ordinary lives in this earth correctly. And the salvation is from the rule or bind of…

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Two times gifts

 I like to receive gifts. However, it seems less interested in using gifts well. Is it because rather to use it for others than to me? # We have 1st gifts of God’s power when 1st born. It is called talent. * Head, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, hands, feet, mind can…

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Pain and death

 I have been working on machinery design for a long time. I always design my machine in order to does not die, so I put many sensors on each important part, I make the sensor make a sound if it has signs of being broken.   When God created us, He put a lot of…

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Life be from life. (Union)

During my 33 years in the workplace, I saw three fingers were cut off from their bodies. Several people were mobilized to find the cut finger, and the fingers were washed in clean water, wrapped in clean blanket, rushed to the hospital. The sooner it survive, the sooner it will…

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What makes money?

Capitalism, which increases productivity through the division of labor and accelerates the movement of wealth through exchange of Adam Smith’s wealth of nations theory, has begun to expand rapidly.1. Commercial capitalism, in which money became the center of wealth production, developed. You have to have money to earn money. 2….

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