The TEN THESES of the  REFORNATION Kingdom citizens of all nations, unite! 1) JESUS PREACHED THE KINGDOM, WHAT CAME WAS CHRISTIANITY, a man-made religion full of democratic compromises and human traditions that, since 2000 years, has systematically rejected the theocratic government of Jesus Christ, his law and his Kingdom economy. Christianity…

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Born again and Kingdom of heaven

 For me, The Kingdom of heaven and born again were very curious and important topics. For such a high school student,  a bible class teacher taught me that it was like a function of mathematics, which remained a more difficult puzzle for a long time. A similarl curious law teacher,…

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let us eat, and be merry

let us eat, and be merry! And the son said unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in your sight, and am no more worthy to be called your son. But the father said to his servants, Bring forth the best robe, and put it on him; and…

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Kingdom of Heaven by Christ

Kingdom of Heaven is the kingdom from heaven, and is the nation in earth where God’s will be done, just as God’s will in heaven is fulfilled. Your Kingdom come in earth, your will be done as it is in heaven. (Matt6:10) And I heard a great voice out of…

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All the bible is on the King and His peoples

 The link between the Old Testament and the New Testament is the genealogy of the king. The Old Testament shows that Jesus came to be the king and the New Testament tells us the king is born and get the kingship.  The opposition of the existing forces against the new…

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The world

      The world is well made & good.          Man is special to God & unique.           God create & sustain all life.         Source of life is God, so all life must be linked to God.      Those who does not linked to God is…

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Aroma up & kingdom comes!

  Wherever Jesus is under becoming the king, the kingdom of heaven comes. The place where the aroma up is the spot where the Kingdom of heaven comes down. (2Cor.2:16) At there the aroma of offerings goes up to the heaven and glorify God in heaven. (Mat5:16)   The burnt offering…

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Two times gifts

 I like to receive gifts. However, it seems less interested in using gifts well. Is it because rather to use it for others than to me? # We have 1st gifts of God’s power when 1st born. It is called talent. * Head, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, hands, feet, mind can…

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Who is He?

Whoever dares to judge the result of the work of the Almighty who has worked hard, he is surely pleased to see in himself that was prooved that there was no lack one point.  And that they should be glad and to rejoice together with God,  that they should be blessed and keep well,…

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